Monday, April 4, 2016

Motion to impeach Jacob Zuma to be debated by South African parliament

South African Parliament shall debate the motion to oust President Jacob Zuma took office the next day after Speaker ratification. Speaker Baleka Mbete , said the time has come to discuss calls sacking President Zuma following allegations of corruption , embezzlement of public funds and abuse of his powers .

Mbete said she would not step down, but acknowledged the issue could have been handled differently in parliament.
The scandal is arguably the biggest yet to hit Zuma , who has fended off accusations of corruption, influence peddling and rape since before he took office in 2009.

On Friday, the 73-year-old president gave a televised address to the nation in which he apologised and said he would pay back some of the money, as ordered. He said that he never knowingly or deliberately set out to violate the constitution .

The president travelled to his home province of Kwazulu-Natal on Sunday to launch a relief programme as part of government efforts to support areas affected by South Africa’s worst drought in more than a century.

He told a cheering crowd that he was still South Africa’s leader and joked about how youthful he was, but made no specific mention of the Nkandla matter, the pending impeachment motion or calls for him to step down as he addressed the gathering in Zulu, his native language.


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